Thursday, April 24, 2008

Persuing World's Contamination At Tennyson

Saving Earth is an important fact, all humans should stop and think for a second.
Earth is getting contaminated more and more everyday, we are killing our own future our child's future. this blog is to invite people to recycle, reduce, reuse, and rot. In Tennyson High School recycling does not work very well. SLWRP stands out for Service Learning Waste Reduction Program. It is very important that the 4 R's are followed. the 4 R's are Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot. You can reduce by not wasting material you don't need, you can reuse by buying or using material that had already been used but that are in well conditions, you can recycle bottles, aluminum, paper, glass, plastic and many other materials that can be made again. Tennyson students need to get involved in this because a person more following this steps is a help for our community, for our world.

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