Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Recycling Awareness

Throughout this project of recycling, and trash I've learned a lot. Throwing garbage to a bin doesn't mean you are getting rid of the material and buy it new, it is not about buying new supplies it is about saving the world. We are making the world' s system work too much, we are increasing contamination. I learned that if each of us puts a little hope to help our ecosystem, we will make a change in the world for our future children.
At home I recycle paper, plastic bottles, cardboard, and glass bottles. I reduce the waste of electricity and water, two important facts in our world, we need to conserve water and electricity, otherwise we'll someday ran out of them. I use the reuse system by giving out clothes in good condition, that I don't like anymore, or I don't fit on, so other people can get benefit from it. Also In my house we have a green waste bin, which is to recycle plants or any green waste to make compost out of it.
At Tennyson High School students don't care that much of practicing the 4 R's which are; reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot. It seems that youth does not see the importance of practicing this system. This system of the 4 R's is a source to help the ecosystem, to prevent the excess usage of materials used to make new materials. Maybe students blame the school for not having recycling bins, this might be their backup fact. I don't think that is a valuable reason to blame the school, since garbage bins are posted everywhere, and students don't take the chance to throw the garbage in the bin. I hope that the education of the leadership program is giving to students, changes their way to see garbage. With the help of teachers, and from all of us, students, sure we'll make it, we'll make a better world.

For more information on how to recycle visit the web, . Learn to save the world, it is on your hands.


Davis Street Transfer Center

The purpose of this facility is to recycle materials, which are gathered from nearly 20 different Bay Area cites. In this facility bottles are recycled, and made again. Also this place makes compost of the trash gathered. In this place materials such as, paper, plastic bottles, glass bottles, cardboard,old furniture, and food scraps are the main sources for the contribution of recycling.

I learned that just in Alameda County, many trash is being well used. Some of these trash is in well conditions, and can be recycled. It is very important that every habitant of the community helps the cycle, and make their self part of this recycling process. The trash that is thrown by civilians goes to landfills. A landfill is were all the waste brought from the community, is dumped to be separated to give their certain type of recycling. The landfill of Alameda County is located in Livermore, there is where all of our waste is managed to be recycled, in benefit of the same community, and for the whole world.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Composting at THS Farm

At Tennyson High School's farm a group of students contributed to make compost. Compost is a material used for plants' growth. Compost is placed on plants so they grow naturally, and without the intervention of bugs, without using pesticides. The benefits of compost are enormous. If compost is not used to grow plants, then pesticides are used. Pesticides are chemicals that can damage our body system, compost is a natural way to grow the plants, and to keep healthy the vegetables we eat.